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Czech Viola Parente-Capková has translated an anthology of Finnish poetry, and also contributed an afterword; the title is Má tvár jazyce: Antologie soucasné finské poezie. The publisher is Host/Weles of Brno, and the anthology contains poems by Juhani Ahvenjärvi, Jouni Inkala, Markus Jääskeläinen, Riina Katajavuori, Jyrki Kiiskinen, Tomi Kontio, Jukka Koskelainen, Heidi Liehu, Lauri Otonkoski, Annukka Peura, Helena Sinervo and Merja Virolainen. Danish A detective novel by Matti Yrjänä Joensuu, Harjunpää ja kiusantekijät ('Harjunpää and the tormentors', Otava) has been translated by Helena Idström and published by Klim of Århus. The title is Plageånderne. English A book about China, Miljoona totuutta (Kirjayhtymä), A million truths: a decade in China by the Finnish journalist Linda Jakobson, has been translated by the author and published by M. Evans of New York. French The collection of short prose by Leena Krohn, Donna Quijote ('Doña Quixote', WSOY), has been translated by Pierre-Alain Gendre and published by Esprit Ouvert of Lausanne. The title is Doña Quichotte. Pierre-Alain Gendre is also the translator of the novel Häiriö maisemassa ('A disturbance in the landscape', Otava) by Raija Siekkinen, published by Esprit Ouvert. The title is Une fissure dans le paysage. The novel Elämä lyhyt, Rytkönen pitkä ('Life short, Rytkönen long', WSOY) by Arto Paasilinna has been published by Denoël of Paris under the title La Cavale du géomètre; the translator is Antoine Chalvin. German The novel Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä ('The charming poisoner', WSOY) by Arto Paasilinna has been translated by Regine Pirschel and published by Ehrenwirth of München. The title is Die Giftköchin. A novel for young people by Hannele Huovi, Tuliraja ('The fire frontier', Tammi) has been published by Carlsen of Hamburg as Die Feuergrenze. The translator is Anu Pyykönen-Stohner. The novel Vaskilintu ('The copper bird', Tammi) by Kaari Utrio has been published as Bronzevogel by Kabel of Hamburg. The translator is Angela Plöger. Hungarian The novel Ulvova mylläri ('The howling miller', WSOY) by Arto Paasilinna has been translated by Béla Jávorszky. The title is Az üvöltö molnár and the publisher is Széphalom of Budapest. A collection of short prose by Leena Krohn, Donna Quijote, ('Doña Quixote') has been published under the same title by Polar Könyvek of Budapest, translated by Éva Pap ja Ottilia Kovács. Polish The novel Personliga angelägenheter ('Personal questions') by Märta Tikkanen has been translated by Ewa Gislén and published by Twój Styl of Warsaw. The title is Sprawy intymne. Slovak The novel Män kan inte våldtas (Manrape, Söderströms) by Märta Tikkanen has been translated by Jarmila Cihová and published by Aspekt of Bratislava as Muzov nemozno znásilnit. Spanish A selection of poems by Gösta Ågren have been published in an anthology of world poetry called Poetas del Mundo; the translators are Irma Siltanen and Renato Sandovál. The publisher is Encuentros of Lima. Swedish The novel Hirtettyjen kettujen metsä ('The forest of hanged foxes', WSOY) by Arto Paasilinna has been published as De hängda rävarnas skog by Brombergs of Stockholm; the translator is Camilla Frostell. An essay collection by Leena Krohn, Kone ja kynä ('The machine and the pen', WSOY) has been translated by Seija Torpefält and published by Anamma of Gothenburg. The title is Pennan och maskinen. A novel by Raija Siekkinen, Saari ('The island', Otava), has been translated by Susanne Hellsten and published by Sahlgrens of Otalampi as Kvinnan på ön. The play Rakkaita pettymyksiä rakkaudessa (Cherished disappointments in love) by Jouko and Juha Turkka has been published in the collection of Nordic plays, Nordiske Skuespil. The publisher is Drama of Gråsten; the translator is Lars Huldén, and the title is Kära besvikelser i kärlekslivet. A historical novel by Kaari Utrio, Uhritulet ('Sacrificial fires', Tammi), has been translated by Camilla Frostell and published by Wahlström & Widstrand of Stockholm. The title is Offereldar. Contents 4/98 | Home |